Course image 360 Lecture Series (21/22) 2021/22
Course image Course for Online Learning in Economics (COLE) 2021/22
Course image EC9A1: Advanced Microeconomic Theory 2021/22
Course image EC9A2: Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis 2021/22
Course image EC9A3: Advanced Econometric Theory 2021/22
Course image EC9AA: The Practice of Economics Research 2021/22
Course image EC9B8: Topics in Advanced Economic Theory I 2021/22
Course image EC9B9: Topics in Advanced Economic Theory II 2021/22
Course image EC9C0: Topics in Development Economics 2021/22
Course image EC9C1: Topics in Economic History 2021/22
Course image EC9C2: Topics in Empirical Political Economy 2021/22
Course image EC9C3: Topics in Industrial Organisation and Data Science 2021/22
Course image EC9C4: Topics in International Economics 2021/22
Course image EC9C5: Topics in Labour Economics 2021/22
Course image EC9C7: Topics in Political Economy Theory 2021/22
Course image EC9C8: Topics in Advanced Econometrics 2021/22

Machine Learning in Econometrics. The package R will be used throughout to demonstrate the techniques. The first half of the course will provide a practical introduction to modern high-dimensional function fitting methods — a.k.a. machine learning (ML) methods — for efficient estimation and inference on the treatment effects and structural parameters in empirical economic models. Participants will use R to immediately internalize and use most of the techniques in their own academic and industry work. Most of the lectures will be accompanied by the R-code that can be used to reproduce the empirical examples in the lectures during the lectures.  The second half would cover additional unsupervised learning and deep reinforcement learning algorithms. 

Outline: Review of classical regression for prediction and causal inference; Causal inference in approximately sparse linear structural equations models; Understanding of the inference strategy via the double partialling out and adaptivity; ML methods for prediction (reduced form estimation and evaluation of ML methods using test samples); ML methods for causal parameters, double ML for causal parameters in treat effect models and non-linear econometric models. Causal Panel with Machine Learning. Deep Reinforcement Learning, a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence in Economics

Course image EC9D3: Economic Analysis B: Microeconomics 2021/22
Course image EC9D4: Economic Analysis BA 2021/22
Course image EC9D5: Economic Analysis AB 2021/22
Course image EC9D31: Microeconomics B 2021/22