Course image CIM PGT Skills Programme (22/23) 2022/23
Course image IM902: Approaches to the Digital 2022/23
Course image IM904: Digital Objects, Digital Methods 2022/23
Course image IM906: Dissertation 2022/23
Course image IM919: Urban Data: Theory and Methodology 2022/23
Course image IM923: User Interface Cultures: Design, Method and Critique 2022/23
Course image IM924: Philosophy of Social Science Research 2022/23
Course image IM925: Foundations in Qualitative Research 2022/23
Course image IM926: Research Design, Practice and Ethics 2022/23
Course image IM931: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Machine Learning 2022/23
Course image IM933: Media Activism 2022/23
Course image IM939: Data Science Across Disciplines: Principles, Practice and Critique 2022/23
Course image IM942: Visualisation Foundations 2022/23
Course image IM945: Final Project (Practical) 2022/23
Course image IM946: Advanced Visualisation Design Labs 2022/23
Course image IM949: Data Visualisation in Science, Culture and Public Policy 2022/23

In this module you will learn about the opportunities and challenges opened up by the growing role of data visualisation in contemporary science, culture and public policy. You will be introduced to key concepts for understanding the importance of data visualisation as a form of knowledge, communication and culture and learn about state-of-the-art approaches to using data visualisation in research and engagement- such as visual sociology, inventive methods and design research. Your learning will be supported through exploration of real-world examples: by reviewing paradigmatic cases, such as the Blue Marble (images of planet earth as seen from space), topographic maps of disputed territories, and visualisations of air pollution, you will learn to reflect on the wider impact of data visualisation on public understanding and societal change.

The module consists of two parts, with the first part offering lectures and seminars introducing guiding ideas from social and cultural theory, social studies of science, and the humanities on the key importance of visualisation in science, culture and democracy. The second part will focus on the introduction of specific methods and examples of the use of data visualisation in creative, participatory and policy research. Throughout the module, and linking the two parts, students will be engaging with cultural, social and public issues through real-world examples of data visualisation. The module then combines lectures, seminars and assignment-based work, which together will equip you to recognise, analyse and appreciate the wider affordances of data visualisation for knowledge, intervention and change. 

The module will introduce key concepts, methods and empirical cases key to understanding the affordances, power and limitations of data visualisation in science, policy and public culture, with student engagement with the empirical cases providing continuity throughout the module: supported by group assignments, students will be exploring both concepts and methods by applying and thinking these through in relation to the cases. This will form the basis of the group presentations in the last week.

Course image IM950: Scaling Data and Societies 2022/23
Course image IM952: Big Data Research: Hype or Revolution? 2022/23
Course image QS906: Big Data Research: Hype or Revolution? 2022/23