Course image PO926: Theories and Issues in International Relations 2022/23
Course image PO942: Theories and Issues in International Political Economy 2022/23
Course image PO943: Dissertation 2022/23
Course image PO961: Doctoral Thesis Writing in Politics and International Studies 2022/23
Course image PO962: Europe and the World 2022/23
Course image PO966: Concepts and Theories of International Security 2022/23
Course image PO977: Theories and Traditions in Public Policy 2022/23
Course image PO978:The CIA and Covert Action 2022/23
Course image PO979: US Security Policy 2022/23
Course image PO980: United States Foreign Policy 2022/23
Course image PO983: United States Foreign Policy and National Security 2022/23
Course image PO994:Democratic Design 2022/23

Introduction: what is this module about?

 Democracy is a crucial ideal – ‘rule by the people’ - and set of political practices, such as voting in free and fair elections and public debate and deliberation. It is also a deeply contested ideal and a practice.  In several countries it is not unusual to find proponents of very different policy or ideological positions each using the rhetoric of democracy in favour of their position and against their opponents. 

 The ambiguities at the heart of democracy – what is it exactly, how should it be practiced? – are viewed by some as a weakness: maybe, in the end, it is an idea empty of real meaning? However, this very ambiguity may reflect something positive and offer opportunities. Perhaps democracy is flexible: it can be thought of and done differently in different places and contexts. Could democracy be a matter of design for different purposes and contexts; creative and experimental uses of a range of institutions enacting distinct sets of ideals? 

 The module explores democratic design. Looking at a range of democratic principles (equality, freedom, etc.) and institutions (from the familiar such as parliaments to the new and innovative, such as the Brazil-inspired participatory budgeting process), it interrogates the notions of democracy and design. It considers new approaches to democratic change in the face of varied challenges to democratic organisation and effectiveness. 

 Democratic Design is an experimental module in which ideas will be debated and tested without preordained conclusions.

Course image Warwick Q-Step Centre Masterclasses (22/23) 2022/23