Course image PH3A5:The History of Scepticism 2020/21
Course image PH3A6:Introduction to Chinese Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH3A9:Philosophy of Nature 2020/21
Course image PH9A5:Topics in 20th Century French Philosophy I 2020/21

The aim of this seminar is to provide a way into Deleuze’s magnum opusDifference and Repetition (1968), through a close reading of its third chapter (“The Image of Thought”).  As a way of approaching that complex chapter, however, and introducing some of Deleuze’s key concepts, we’ll begin by reading a number of shorter texts, from his early review of Jean Hyppolite’s Logique et existence to his studies on Bergson, Nietzsche, Kant, and Proust.  

Students will be expected to give presentations of selected passages and reports on previous seminars.  

A 5,000 words essay will be due.  See the departmental website for the schedule of submission deadlines.

Course image PH9E3:Topics in Moral and Political Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH9F2:Research Methods 2020/21
Course image PH9F6:Critiques of Enlightenment in Post-Kantian German Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH9F7:Topics in Philosophy and the Arts 2020/21
Course image PH9G9: Feminism 2020/21
Course image PH9GE:Genealogy, Epistemology and Critique 2020/21
Course image PH9GF:Origins of Mind: Philosophical Issues in Cognitive Development 2020/21
Course image PH9GJ:Emerson, Thoreau and Philosophy as a Way of Life 2020/21
Course image PH107:Problems in Philosophy and Literature 2020/21
Course image PH133:Introduction to Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH134:Introduction to Philosophy Without Logic 2020/21
Course image PH136:Logic 1: Introduction to Symbolic Logic 2020/21
Course image PH140:Ancient Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH143:Existence, Experience, History: Key Topics in Continental Philosophy 2020/21
Course image PH144:Mind and Reality 2020/21
Course image PH145:Plato and Descartes 2020/21