Course image Academic Skills for Sociologists 2019/20
Course image QS104:Introduction to Social Analytics I 2019/20
Course image QS106:Understanding Social Inequalities: Issues and Methods 2019/20
Course image QS301:Applying Quantitative Methods to Social Research 2019/20
Course image QS305:Numbers in the Workplace (Placement) 2019/20
Course image QS306:Experiments in the Social Sciences and Humanities 2019/20
Course image QS904:Mastering Complex Real-World Data 2019/20
Course image SO2G5:Culture and the arts in education and society 2019/20
Course image SO9B3:Capitalism, State and Market 2019/20
Course image SO9B4:Market Life: Wealth and Poverty in Global Capitalism 2019/20
Course image SO9B8:Social Research for Social Change 2019/20
Course image SO9C1:State of Art of Sociology 2019/20
Course image SO9C2:Understanding Social Science 2019/20
Course image SO9C3:The Sociology of End Times 2019/20
Course image SO9C5:The Sociology of Urban Life 2019/20
Course image SO9C8:Postcolonial Theory and Politics 2019/20
Course image SO9C9:Transnational Media Ecologies 2019/20
Course image SO9D0:Feminist Pedagogy/Feminist Activism 2019/20
Course image SO9D1:Queering Sociology 2019/20
Course image SO9D2:Indigenous and Global South Feminisms 2019/20

Provisional Outline of Course

Week 1: Introduction: Indigenous feminisms, post/colonial feminisms and the intersections of political struggles

Week 2: Feminism, post/coloniality and the question of sovereignty (Assam)

Week 3: Feminism, terror and security (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Sudan) 

Week 4: Feminism, socialism and authoritarianism (China)

Week 5: Feminist engagements with the politics of religion, secularism and border control 

Week 6: Reading Week

Week 7: Feminist movements in a settler colonial context: political prisoners and decolonial methods (Palestine)

Week 8: Feminism, reproduction and land rights in settler colonial states (Australia, US, Canada)

Week 9: Feminism and Revolution (Algeria)

Week 10: Summary workshop/ Time for assessment discussion

Illustrative Bibliography

R. Icaza (2017) 'Decolonial Feminism and Global Politics: Border Thinking and Vulnerability as a Knowing Otherwise' in M. Woons & S. Weier (eds.) Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics, E-International Relations Publishing.

Kaul, N. & Zia, A.(2018) ‘Knowing in our Own Ways: Women and Kashmir’, Special Issue EPW/RWS

Osuri, G.(2018) ‘Sovereignty, vulnerability, and a gendered resistance in Indian-occupied Kashmir’, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 3(2) 228-43.

Das, N. K. (2019) 'Indigenous Feminism and Women Resistance: Customary Law, Codification Issue and Legal Pluralism in North East India', Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology, 1(2), pp. 19-27.

Menon, Nivedita. 2012. "Victims or Agents?" in Seeing like a Feminist. pp. 173-212. 

Radha Kumar (1999) 'From Chipko to Sati: The Contemporary Indian Women's Movement'. in N. Menon (ed.), Gender and Politics in India. OUP, pp.342-369.

Fong, M. (2016) One Child: The story of China’s most radical experiment, Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt.

Lydia H. Liu, Rebecca E. Karl and Dorothy Ko (eds.) (2013) The Birth of Chinese Feminism: Essential Texts in Transnational Theory, Columbia University Press.

Hershatter, G. (2018) Women and China’s Revolutions, Rowman & Littlefield.

Maha El Said, Lena Meari and Nicola Pratt (eds.) (2015) Rethinking Gender in Revolutions and Resistance: Lessons from the Arab World, London: Zed.

Nadje Al-Ali & Nicola Pratt (2009) What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Seedat, F.(ed.) (2017) ‘Special Issue: Women, Religion and Security’, Agenda, 30(3).

M.E.M.Kolawole (1997) Womanism and African Consciousness, Africa World Press Inc.

B. Badri & A. M. Tripp (eds.) (2017) Women’s Activism in Africa, London: Zed.

B. Fredericks (1997) ‘Reempowering Ourselves: Australian Aboriginal Women’, Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 35(3).

Green, J. (ed.) (2017) Making Space for Indigenous Feminism(2ndedition), Fernwood Publishing.

R. Aída Hernández Castillo (2010) ‘The Emergence of Indigenous Feminism in Latin America’, Signs, 35(3).