Course image PO383:The Politics of Religion 2019/20

Religion is one of the most powerful social forces in the world, shaping issues such as freedom of expression, sexual equality, public policies on education and reproductive rights, the role of medical technologies, and outbreaks of violence and conflict.

The purpose of this module is to explore the inter-relationship between religion and politics, covering a variety of conceptual, historical and contemporary themes and issues. These are addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on history, economics, sociology, psychology, and cognitive science. The module aims to work towards a holistic understanding of the way in which religious processes and dynamics have shaped, and continue to shape, the political world.

Course image PO384:East Asian Transformations: A Political Economy Perspective 2019/20
Course image PO384:East Asian Transformations: A Political Economy Perspective 2019/20
Course image PO387:State, Power, Freedom: European Political Theory 2019/20
Course image PO390:Violence and Reconciliation in Eastern Africa 2019/20
Course image PO391:The Political Economy of Money 2019/20
Course image PO394:Democratic Design 2019/20
Course image PO396:International Relations of the Americas 2019/20
Course image PO397:Latin America: Democratization and Development 2019/20
Course image PO398:Politics and Culture in the Middle East 2019/20
Course image PO399:Violence, Rights, Justice and Peace in the Middle East 2019/20
Course image PO901:Theories and Issues in International Development 2019/20
Course image PO909:Justice and Equality 2019/20
Course image PO920:International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 2019/20
Course image PO921:Explanation in Social Science 2019/20
Course image PO926:Theories and Issues in International Relations 2019/20
Course image PO934:Comparative Politics 2019/20
Course image PO942:Theories and Issues in International Political Economy 2019/20
Course image PO943:Dissertation 2019/20
Course image PO962:Europe and the World 2019/20