Course image ECLS PGT Academic Enrichment 2023/24
Course image ECLS Academic Enrichment 2023/24
Course image ECLS Academic Writing Resource 2023/24
Course image ECLS Intermediate-Year Academic Enrichment 2023/24
Course image EN2B3: Drama and Democracy 2023/24
Course image EN2B4/EN3B4:Romantic and Victorian Poetry 2023/24
Course image EN2C1: Arthurian Literature & its Legacy 2023/24
Course image EN2C2/EN3C2:The English Nineteenth-Century Novel 2023/24
Course image EN2C5/EN3C5 Chaucer 2023/24
Course image EN2C7/EN3C7: Devolutionary British Fiction 2023/24
Course image EN2D8/EN3D8:European Theatre 2023/24
Course image EN2D8/EN3D8:European Theatre 2023/24
Course image EN2D9/EN3D9:Twentieth-Century US Literature 2023/24
Course image EN2E2/EN3E2:English Literature and Feminisms 1790-1899 2023/24
Course image EN2E4: Eighteenth-Century Literature 2023/24
Course image EN2E7/EN3E7: Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 2023/24
Course image EN2E8/EN3E8: Literature & Psychoanalysis 2023/24
Course image EN2E9: States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing and Culture 2023/24
Course image EN2F5/EN3F5:Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) 2023/24
Course image EN2F7/EN3F7:Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 2023/24