Course image WM9P8:Sustainability (Occurrence A1AZ) 2023/24
Course image WM046:Digital Forensics 2023/24
Course image WM055:Information Risk Management and Governance 2023/24
Course image WM076:Leading Change in Healthcare 2023/24
Course image WM083:Technology Management and Innovation (Occurrence A1DTS) 2023/24
Course image Uniformly Secure: Case Study 2023/24
Course image WM085:Operational Management and Clinical Systems Improvement 2023/24
Course image WM087:Quality and Productivity in Health Service Systems 2023/24
Course image WM089:Cyber-Physical Systems 2023/24

Week 1: Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems

In our first week, we will lay the foundation by introducing cyber-physical systems (CPS) and their significance in today's interconnected world. We will explore real-world examples of CPS, ranging from smart grids and autonomous vehicles to wearable health monitors. Additionally, we will delve into communication protocols used in CPS networks, understanding how data is transmitted and processed within these systems.

Week 2: Threat Models in Cyber-Physical Systems

In the second week, our focus will shift to the threat landscape surrounding cyber-physical systems. We will identify various threat models that pose risks to the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of CPS. From cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure to malicious interference in medical devices, we will examine potential vulnerabilities and their implications for CPS security.

Week 3: Countermeasure Strategies for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems

Building upon our understanding of CPS threats, week three will explore countermeasure strategies aimed at safeguarding these systems against malicious activities. We will discuss encryption techniques, access control mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, and other defence mechanisms employed to mitigate cyber threats. Through case studies and practical examples, we will analyze the effectiveness of these countermeasures in enhancing CPS security.

Week 4: Case Study and Conclusion

In our final week, we will conclude our journey through CPS by diving into a specific case study. Drawing upon the concepts and principles learned throughout the course, we will examine a real-world scenario involving a cyber-physical system. By dissecting the case study, we will reinforce our understanding of CPS security challenges and the importance of implementing robust defence strategies.

Course image WM140:Cyber Systems Architecture and Organisation 2023/24
Course image WM141:Discrete Structures for Cyber Security 2023/24
Course image WM143:Networks, Communications and Cyber Defence 2023/24
Course image WM144:Operating Systems in the Cyber Context 2023/24
Course image WM145:Software Development and Security 2023/24
Course image WM160:Applied Maths I 2023/24
Course image WM161:Information Business Management Operations 2023/24
Course image WM162:Network Protocols and Infrastructure 2023/24
Course image WM164:Smart Solutions Development I (Programming) 2023/24
Course image WM167:Quality Methods 2023/24
Course image WM170:Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 2023/24