Course image ES93B:Personal Leadership and Influencing Change (Occurrence SCLP01) 2019/20
Course image ES93B:Personal Leadership and Influencing Change (Occurrence SCLP02) 2019/20
Course image ES93C:Performance Evaluation and Control (Occurrence 04GEA) 2019/20
Course image ES93C:Performance Evaluation and Control (Occurrence 48ZN) 2019/20

Performance, Evaluation and Control (PEC) is the point in SPP where the tools you have been given are applied. There is some[1] new material in this course; specifically around finance and how the money works within organisations. This ranges from very high-level external reporting to the mechanics of costing products and making financial decisions.

You will be using these new skills coupled to tools from previous modules to build a specific business case ready for presentation to a Capital Acquisition Committee, an exercise we will do on Thursday evening.

To get there you need to be able to deploy the concepts of performance management, and critically discuss its nature. A secondary objective is to give you opportunity to discuss and critically evaluate your own business unit’s metrics and measures, to assess their usefulness and integration with your company’s overall strategy.

The module’s assessment is both by written assignment (85%) and by in-module assessment (15%). As a result the written assignment is shorter than usual.

The module will contribute directly to equipping the participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead within a process based company.

[1] Actually a lot.

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Course image ES93C:Performance Evaluation and Control (Occurrence 49ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93D:Supply Chain Strategy (Occurrence 01ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93D:Supply Chain Strategy (Occurrence 49ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93F:Compliance Management (Occurrence 48ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93F:Compliance Management (Occurrence 49ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93G:Product Life-Cycle Management (Occurrence 48ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93G:Product Life-Cycle Management (Occurrence 49ZN) 2019/20
Course image ES93N:Global Business Environment 2019/20
Course image ES93N:Global Business Environment (Occurrence 01NC) 2019/20
Course image ES93V:Globalisation & Outsourcing 2019/20
Course image ES93Z:Service Design & Delivery 2019/20
Course image ES93Z:Service Design & Delivery (Occurrence 01VTHK) 2019/20
Course image ES94E:Enterprise Resource Planning Integration 2019/20
Course image ES94N:Crypto-systems & Data Protection 2019/20
Course image ES94N:Crypto-systems & Data Protection (Occurrence 01MCS) 2019/20
Course image ES94P:Security Architectures and Network Defence 2019/20