Course image LN311:Political Propaganda in Contemporary Europe from 1975 to the Present 2020/21
Course image LN312:Translation and Translators in the Contemporary World 2020/21
Course image LN400:Dissertation 2020/21
Course image LN902:Translation Portfolio 2020/21
Course image LN903:Trans/National Cultures 2020/21
Course image LN904:Dissertation in Translation Studies 2020/21
Course image LN905:Multilingualism and Global Cultures 2020/21
Course image LN906:Research Skills in Modern Languages 2020/21

The aim of this module is to help you develop key research skills that will assist you in your work on your other MA modules, in particular the Dissertation. These skills will also stand you in good stead if you wish to continue to doctoral research after your MA.

The research techniques that you will develop and the ability to apply a chosen stylesheet (in this case, the MHRA’s) consistently and accurately in order to present a piece of work to high standards are also transferable professionalising skills that are valued in a variety of jobs.

Course image LN909:Introduction to European Gothic and Romantic Studies 2020/21
Course image Spanish Diagnostic Test - Language Centre 2020/21