Course image EN2G4/EN3G4:Literature, Theory and Time 2019/20
Course image EN2G5/EN3G5:Disasters and the British Contemporary 2019/20
Course image EN2G7/EN3G7:Remaking Shakespeare 2019/20
Course image EN2G8/EN3G8:Writing Out Loud: Slam, Spoken Word, and Performance Poetics 2019/20
Course image EN2H0:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice 2019/20
Course image EN2H0/EN3H0:Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice 2019/20
Course image EN2H2/EN3H2:American Horror Story: U.S. Gothic Cultures, 1790-Present 2019/20
Course image EN2H3/EN3H3:Race, Ethnicity, and Migration in the Americas 2019/20
Course image EN2H8/EN3H8:Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion, and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England 2019/20
Course image EN2H9/EN3H9:On the Road to Collapse 2019/20
Course image EN2J0/EN3J0:Poetry and Crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in the late medieval culture and society 2019/20
Course image EN2J1/EN3J1:Women and Writing, 1150-1450 2019/20
Course image EN2J3/EN3J3:Austen in Theory 2019/20
Course image EN2J9:Writing History 2019/20
Course image EN2K1/EN3K1:American Poetry: Modernity, Rupture, Violence 2019/20
Course image EN2K2/EN3K2:Ancient and modern 2019/20
Course image EN2K4/EN3K4:George Eliot and Sociology 2019/20
Course image EN2K5/EN3K5:Literature and Revolution 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down 2019/20
Course image EN2K6/EN3K6:Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders 2019/20
Course image EN3A2:Women and Writing, 1150-1450 2019/20